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Growing a high-tech workforce in the Nova Scotia defence industry

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Top defence companies in Nova Scotia are thriving, contributing to an ever-increasing high-tech workforce.

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From Antigonish to outer space: Peace by Chocolate becomes the ultimate exporter

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Peace by Chocolate of Antigonish can now put its name on the list of exporters to space. We sat down with Tareq Hadhad to discuss.

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Bulletproof(ing) for a global marketplace

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Bulletproof has found that Nova Scotia is the right climate to advance their growth plans and export capacity; both for current and new offerings.

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Canada's Ocean Supercluster in Nova Scotia: Robert Orr

Monday, September 10, 2018

Robert Orr, Managing Partner, Cuna del Mar, discusses Canada's Ocean Supercluster in Nova Scotia at Movin'On 2018.

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Halifax, Nova Scotia attracts global defence companies.

Nova Scotia's aerospace and defence industry: regional report

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Global defence companies are flocking to Nova Scotia. Wondering why? View the full Nova Scotia regional report.

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The world is changing, and NSBI is leading to succeed

Thursday, August 16, 2018

NSBI attracts investment and helps businesses across Nova Scotia become more successful exporters.

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From Stockholm to Halifax: Why Nova Scotia is the location for cybersecurity

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Stockholm-based Secure State Cyber found Nova Scotia had everything they were looking for — and then some.

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Nova Scotia: Room to live

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Imagine a place where you can leave work, head to the beach, and still be home in time for dinner. In Nova Scotia, we live it.

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From alpha to beta: How one Ubisofter went from co-op to permanent

Monday, July 23, 2018

We recently sat down with Robert Stacy to learn about his co-op experience at Ubisoft's Halifax office. He gave us insight into how he applied for and got his position, and what projects he had the opportunity to work.

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Maritime Edit feature: Ubisoft's Gwen Heliou is game for life

Friday, July 27, 2018

Nova Scotia's Digital Gaming industry is booming right now, attracting to the province not only a younger workforce, but also some of the most experienced talents globally. 

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