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Advanced Manufacturing in Nova Scotia
  • Canada’s Advanced Manufacturing Supercluster: an FAQ for Nova Scotia companies

Canada’s Advanced Manufacturing Supercluster: an FAQ for Nova Scotia companies

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Manufacturing companies, partners and associations from across Nova Scotia recently gathered for a one-day manufacturing industry event.

Among the presenters was Next Generation Manufacturing Canada or NGen, an industry-led, not-for-profit organization building next-generation capabilities nationally through the Advanced Manufacturing Supercluster.

NGen shared some key takeaways for Nova Scotia companies interested in the Advanced Manufacturing Supercluster, which we’ve condensed into five need-to-know FAQs below:

1. What types of projects does NGen support for the Advanced Manufacturing Supercluster?

The NGen team look for projects to scale capabilities in customized manufacturing. Projects should focus on developing and applying new technology solutions to help Canadian manufacturing companies compete globally.

For example, projects must be new in terms of knowledge, technology, applications, solutions and more. They must also leave a legacy of benefits. This could include improving skills, providing new training opportunities, supporting SME’s or developing a model or platform for others.

2. When can my company apply for funding?

The short answer is now. Advanced Manufacturing Supercluster projects proposals can be submitted at any time.

3. How many partners do you need to submit a proposal?

Applications must have at least three private sector companies. Each project must have a private sector lead, and at least two additional private sector partners. At least one SME must be included.

4. How much funding is available?

The Federal Government committed $190 million to the Advanced Manufacturing Supercluster. Generally, NGen projects should have a total cost between $1 million and $20 million. NGen reimburses up to 44.4% of a project’s eligible costs. The reimbursement is set at a project level, not partner, so no single partner can receive more than 70% reimbursement.

The Supercluster is also funding a Capacity Building Pilot Project. The objective of the Pilot Project is to support a group of at least two Canadian SMEs to run a collaborative Advanced Manufacturing Research, Development or Demonstration project. The Supercluster will fund $12 million for these projects and aims to leverage an additional $12 million of industry investments.

5. How can my company find out more about Advanced Manufacturing Supercluster?

Everything you need to know is available online in NGen’s project requirements documents. Simply apply to become a member (it’s free!) to access the Supercluster Project Guide and other documents and events, and to collaboration with other NGen members.


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Do you have a great idea for the Supercluster? Learn more and submit your proposal by visiting their website.