Prompt Global
Sweating the small stuff
is our competitive advantage
Managing a supply chain — it’s a ‘details’ business. If one link comes loose, the whole thing could fall apart.
Every link — every step — every detail — matters.
New York-based Prompt Global gets that. Their software solution helps supply chain specialists and freight forwarders like DSV, Toll Global Forwarding, Ceva Logistics, and Delmar see every link in their supply chain. All at once. All in the same place.
Prompt customers include one-third
of the world’s top 25 freight forwarders
Prompt Global’s success — like that of its clients — is built on sweating the small stuff. So naturally when the time came to find a home-away-from-home base, Prompt Global chose Nova Scotia, where we’ve turned ‘sweating the small stuff’ into a competitive advantage.
So why did this growth-focused tech company choose Nova Scotia?
We’re glad you asked. Let us tell you.
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Tailor-made solutions
Our signature ‘Team Nova Scotia’ approach puts prospective companies at the table with decision-makers from government, industry, and academia. That means getting real-time answers to questions like:
- Do your universities offer specialized programming? Could they?
- Can we work with you to offer internships and work terms to your students?
- Do you offer financial incentives to high-growth companies?
- Do you have office space available now that meets my company’s needs? Is there room to grow?
(Btw, the answer is yes to all.)
“The team at Invest Nova Scotia tailored a multi-day meet and greet for us—and packed a lot into those days,” says Robert Petti, CEO of Prompt Global. “We looked at potential office locations, met with key players in both the tech and logistics space, and even got to experience a taste of the East Coast lifestyle firsthand.”
We work with companies to understand their growth plans and what they need to fuel them. That allows us to bring the right people together — from government officials and academic partners, to industry reps and community leaders — so companies get the absolute most out of their visit to Nova Scotia.
Lisa Dobson, Investment Attraction Executive, Invest Nova Scotia
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Strategic location
Nova Scotia’s strategic location provides easy, fast, and reliable access to world markets. And the province shares the workday with the U.S. and Europe, making it easier to do business from here than anywhere.
What does that mean for Prompt Global? “Nova Scotia’s time zone (GMT -4) was a key selling feature because it lets us better support our South American customers and stay connected to our New York headquarters,” said Petti.
As the first port of call between Europe and North America, Nova Scotia’s shipping and transportation infrastructure is part of the equation, too.
Many of the top global logistics companies already operate here, and the Port of Halifax is the first stop for ships coming from Europe to North America. Our natural, year-round, ice-free harbours—with depths ranging from 65 feet draft on Halifax Harbour to 200 feet draft on the Strait of Canso—provide the deepest cargo berths on Canada's east coast.
“There’s strategic significance to being here,” said Petti. “We’re a technology company, so access to state-of-the-art ICT infrastructure is critical. And because our clients are in shipping and logistics, the transportation infrastructure is also important. There really is no better place for a company like Prompt Global to be than a high-tech port city. It’s the best of both worlds.”
Tech infrastructure
- a world-class fibre optic network with gigabit connections for both consumers and businesses
- a digital communications system
- some of the world’s best internet connections to Europe and the Eastern US, thanks to GTT Communications network of subsea cables
Transportation infrastructure
- the International Port of Halifax, including two super post-Panamax container terminals operating 13 fixed day weekly services and 80 fixed day weekly global port calls
- the Halifax Stanfield International Airport
- Canadian National Railway (CN Rail)
- a strong logistics and warehousing sector
- excellent Class 1 Highway infrastructure (Trans-Canada Highway)
- a comprehensive air route network serving virtually any location around the globe
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Educated workforce
What really fuels high-growth technology companies like Prompt Global?
Nova Scotia has one of the most reliable talent pipelines in Canada.
It’s more than just the right mix of post-secondary education, established multinational firms, and a startup community that fosters innovation and growth—it’s the way those things work together that sets Nova Scotia apart from the rest.
“We were so impressed with how well the schools and businesses coexist with one another in Nova Scotia,” said Petti. “The opportunities companies have to work with universities and university students helps everyone stay on the cutting edge.”
Nova Scotia is Canada’s education capital
Nova Scotia’s 10 universities and network of 14 community college campuses work with industry to make sure Nova Scotia graduates have the knowledge and skills to meet industry’s evolving needs. Our post-secondary schools offer programs like graphics, gaming and media, artificial intelligence and intelligent systems, communications technologies, data science, SAP software expertise, and cybersecurity
STEM enrollment across Nova Scotia’s universities and colleges has increased by 98% over the past 6 years, proving our dedication to ensuring the ICT sector is well-equipped with highly educated new graduates
Halifax, Nova Scotia, is recognized as one of North America’s up-and-coming cities for tech talent.
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Competitive climate
Nova Scotia offers one of the most competitive business climates you’ll find anywhere.
For companies in the digital services industry, Nova Scotia’s operating costs are among the most cost-competitive in North America.
At 13.2 percent, Canada’s tax treatment for new business investment is the lowest in the G7 — below the OECD average and significantly lower than the United States (17.7 percent).
“Deciding on Nova Scotia—and Canada as a whole—came down to the significant government interest in helping technology companies succeed,” said Petti. “There are so many amazing programs at both the federal and provincial level designed to drive growth and foster R&D investment.”
Our team at Invest Nova Scotia knows which programs are available and how to help companies maximize them to support their growth.
In Nova Scotia, tech companies have access to:
- federal research and development tax credits
- accelerated capital cost allowances
- provincial programs and tax credits
- energy efficiency and productivity incentives
- trade and export support programs
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A partner in your growth
In Nova Scotia’s technology sector, you’re among friends. Is that too cliché? It’s the truth.
“We’ve been incredibly impressed with the quality of the people we’ve met and the many opportunities to work with the private and public sector to not only grow our business, but to move the logistics technology industry forward as well,” said Petti. “It’s clear Nova Scotia wants to be at the forefront of technological innovation over the next 10 and 50 years—and so do we.”
We have a vested interest in your success.
Because your success is our success.
Nova Scotians aren’t exactly known for being boastful—but it’s hard not to brag about companies like Prompt Global that are changing the game, and helping put our province on the map.
“We’re pushing the envelope in terms of what logistics companies and their customers can do with technology,” said Petti. “Prompt Global is on the cutting edge of the shift in the logistics sector towards higher automation, and we’re excited to bring that to Nova Scotia.”
And we’re excited to have you!
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East Coast state of mind
We’re done gatekeeping the good stuff, so we’ll just say it: there’s no place like this place.
We work hard – but we don’t take ourselves too seriously.
We yield to buses, pedestrians, and the Sullivan’s Pond geese.
We talk to strangers.
We believe in the healing power of salt air and sunshine.
We love a good kitchen party.
And yes. We really are nice.
It’s hard to be anything else when you live in a place like this.
- 13,000 km of coastline to explore
- Surf, swim or sail (Or do all three — on the same day!)
- Great food and a buzz-worthy nightlife
- Friendly, welcoming communities
- Rich cultural heritage
- With a price tag people can afford.
Prompt Global gets it. That’s why several members of their team in South Africa are making the move to Nova Scotia.
Bet you didn’t know you could be both two hours and a world away from New York City.
Ready for a change of scenery?
Let’s get you to Nova Scotia. Contact us to get started.
I spoke with representatives at most of the Canadian provinces to find a good place to grow and, honestly, Nova Scotia seemed to have everything we were looking for in terms of accessibility, affordability, and weather.
Robert Petti, CEO, Prompt Global