Seoul Food & Hotel 2023 | 서울푸드앤호텔(Seoul Food & Hotel) 2023
Nova Scotia Food + Beverage는 한국 서울의 Seoul Food & Hotel에 참석하게 된 것을 자랑스럽게 생각합니다. 올해 참가하는 Nova Scotia 회사에 대해 자세히 알아보려면 Nova Scotia Food + Beverage Booth #5A201을 방문하거나 아래의 Exhibiting Company Directory를 클릭하십시오.
Nova Scotia Food + Beverage is proud to be attending Seoul Food & Hotel in Seoul, Korea. To learn more about the Nova Scotia companies participating this year, drop by the Nova Scotia Food + Beverage Booth #5A201, or click on the Exhibiting Company Directory below.
To learn more about Nova Scotia's food, beverage, and natural health products industry, visit
노바스코샤의 식품, 음료 및 천연 건강보조제품 산업에 관해 자세시 알아보려면 웹사이트 SMALLPLACEBIGTASTE.CA 를 방문하십시오
For more information about all Nova Scotia export and partnership opportunities, please contact:
Omaira Ospino
Export Development Executive
Invest Nova Scotia
T: +001 902.220.2185 | E: