New Exporter Champion of the Year Award
New Exporter Champion of the Year Award - Eligibility and Evaluation Criteria
Presented to a business that has made a successful initial entry into a new market outside of Nova Scotia within the past (2) years.
Eligibility Criteria
- Business must be currently exporting a product or service outside of Nova Scotia.
- Business must have made their initial entry into a market outside of Nova Scotia within the past two years.
- Business must be registered in Nova Scotia (NSRJS) or federally within Canada.
- Business must be actively operating in Nova Scotia for a minimum of 12 months.
- A majority of the business must be headquartered in Nova Scotia
- Product or service exported must contain majority Nova Scotia content.
- Publicly funded organizations are not eligible.
Evaluation Criteria
- Demonstrate notable growth in their business as direct result of initial entry into a new market outside Nova Scotia – as demonstrated by the percentage of sales generated from exports outside of Nova Scotia over the last two (2) years.
- Demonstrate employment growth over the past two (2) years.
- Demonstrated how they overcame barriers/obstacles in entering or expanding operations outside Nova Scotia.
- Demonstrate net incremental returns to the Nova Scotia economy.
- Demonstrate strategy/plan for overall export growth.