MISSION FULL: New Exporter Education Mission to Boston
Sunday, February 25, 2018 (All day) to Thursday, March 1, 2018 (All day)
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Nova Scotia Business Inc. (NSBI), through the Atlantic Trade and Investment Growth Strategy (ATIGS) partnership, is currently recruiting Nova Scotia companies interested in participating on a new exporter mission to Boston, MA. If your company is considering exporting to the United States or is just beginning to export to the United States, this mission is for you.
This mission includes:
- Pre-mission learning sessions focused on how to prepare for the mission, elements required for planning, what to expect in market and follow up on international sales opportunities;
- Selected meetings with Canadian government and business organizations in the New England market such as Canadian Consulate in Boston, Canada New England Business Council, Canadian Entrepreneurs New England, Coalition of New England Companies for Trade (CONECT), and others;
- Opportunities for companies to visit sector specific sites of interest including business incubation centres, accelerators, start-up zones, research centres, educational partners, advanced manufacturing centres and more;
- Education sessions in market on a range of issues related to doing business in the U.S. including: Canadian Consular services, intellectual property protection, setting up U.S. entities, sales strategies for the Boston market
- For participants ready to sell, business to business meetings with potential sales leads that align with your company objectives
- Post-mission follow-up with the matchmaker to assist with any additional support arising from B2B meetings
Seafood, Agri-Food and Beverage Companies: Please note that this mission overlaps the New England Food Show, a premier event for the food service industry in the Northeastern United States, which takes place February 25 - 27, 2018 at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center. Components of the Food Show can be incorporated into the mission for interested companies.
Registration fee: $575.00 ($500 + $75 HST) per company. HST will be applied upon payment through Paypal.
Participants are responsble for all costs associated with travel, meals, and accommodations. NSBI, in partnership with ATIGS, will cover 75% of the costs of travel and accommodations for one participant per company.
Registration deadline: January 12, 2018.
Jessica McCall
Aerospace & Defence, Digital Media, Business Services, Life Sciences, Film & Television Production, Natural Resources, Logistics & Transportation, Clean Tech, Energy & Heavy Industrial, Mining, Financial Services, Information Communications Technology, Agri-food, Seafood, Oceans, Advanced Manufacturing
Trade Missions