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Find your tech advantage in Nova Scotia, Canada
  • On the edge of AI: How Nova Scotia, Canada plans for an intelligent future

On the edge of AI: How Nova Scotia, Canada plans for an intelligent future

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

It’s no secret that the hottest topic in the tech arena these days is artificial intelligence.

As companies around the globe continue to investigate the potential benefits of incorporating artificial intelligence in their business practices, AI use in Nova Scotia’s tech industry is already well underway.

Multiple Nova Scotia companies and organizations across sectors are engaged in this space – developing and making use of AI in their product and service offerings.

One example in food production is ReelData, a Halifax-based company offering artificial intelligence solutions for land-based aquaculture. ReelData’s full suite of tools are designed to maximize growth, minimize costs, and reduce risks for aquaculture farms.

In healthcare, NovaResp Technologies specializes in developing AI-driven solutions for the treatment of sleep apnea, enhancing CPAP therapy by predicting and preventing apnea episodes.

Densitas is bringing AI solutions to breast cancer screening through the automation of breast density assessment, tracking mammography quality, and streamlining compliance with regulatory standards.

In marine intelligence, Global Spatial Technology Solutions (GSTS) is using AI and big data analytics to offer digital solutions which enhance safety, security, efficiency, and environmental sustainability in the maritime and logistics industries.

And then there is DeepSense, an organization out of Dalhousie University which fosters collaboration between AI and machine learning experts with businesses looking to harness the potential of data to drive a smarter ocean economy.

Building the right talent pipeline Nova Scotia’s skilled workforce continues to grow with a focus on tech. Our post-secondary institutions are a top source of talent, fostering expertise in data analysis, data science, machine learning, and artificial intelligence.

In the past six years, universities and colleges in Nova Scotia have seen a 98% increase in enrolment in Computer Science programs. Along with general computer science programs, there are several program options across Nova Scotia’s post-secondary system for data analytics and artificial intelligence specific education. Nova Scotia is producing more STEM graduates than ever, with academic institutions working directly with government and industry to ensure an appropriate talent pipeline.

A focused research ecosystem Hand in hand with a burgeoning talent pool, Nova Scotia is home to a robust research ecosystem. There are many experts in the province researching AI on a variety of topics, including healthcare, machine learning, and ocean technology. Additionally, there are several research institutes contributing to the field, including the Institute for Big Data Analytics, kNowledge Intensive Computing for Healthcare Enterprises (NICHE), and Ocean Data Analytics Lab, among others.

Everything your company needs for an intelligent future As technology continues to adapt and advance, so does Nova Scotia’s tech industry.

Whether it’s our established talent pipeline, cutting-edge research ecosystem, or innovative start-up community, Nova Scotia has become one of Canada’s prominent AI-driven tech centres.

Interested in tapping into Nova Scotia’s booming tech landscape? Get in touch with Lisa Dobson to learn more.