Funding Search FAQ
1. What is Fundingportal?
Fundingportal is an online third-party tool that searches government support programs and services - grants, contributions, vouchers, wage subsidies, tax credits, business incentives, equity, loans and venture debt.
To access Fundingportal on the Invest Nova Scotia website, go to
2. How does Fundingportal help businesses?
Fundingportal helps businesses identify available government support programs and services. The tool is online and provides companies with a list of potential government support programs and services results and the corresponding application links.
3. Who should use Fundingportal?
Fundingportal on the Invest Nova Scotia website is available to any Nova Scotia company. Whether a business has been operating for years or is just getting started, Fundingportal identifies government support programs and services based on organizational objectives and history.
4. Does Fundingportal on the Invest Nova Scotia website collect any personal or private information?
Fundingportal results include links to Invest Nova Scotia partners' and third-party websites. A new window/tab opens for each link. Information submitted through Fundingportal is used for displaying results and aggregate reporting only. See the NSBI Privacy Statement for information on Fundingportal usage.
5. What other programs and services are available for businesses?
To learn more about all of the business development programs and services available through Invest Nova Scotia, go to or contact the Regional Business Development Advisor in your area of the province.