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A booming business, on their terms: How Side Door digitally disrupted the music industry

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

When one sets out to digitally transform the way entertainers and hosts find each other (think Uber for music shows), you’d assume a strong technology background would be a big part of the equation.

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eBay Canada Retail Revival training in Halifax

Harnessing technology and global markets: Retail Revival with eBay Canada

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Thanks to the power of technology, e-commerce, and global markets, companies have more options for export growth than ever before.

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How Webbuilders Group is building a web of happy clients

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Webbuilders Group CEO Rob Roy is, unsurprisingly, in the web building business. What is surprising is where this small New Glasgow-based company finds its clients, how it makes them happy, and what the future looks like. 

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Major freight and global shipping routes.

Money on the table: the top trade deal updates you need to know

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Catching up with NSBI trade strategists, we narrowed down the top trade deal updates you need to know.  

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2018: Looking Back

Friday, January 4, 2019

Nothing says Happy New Year more than a reflective year in review. Without question, 2018 was an exciting year for ‘Thinking Export’ in Nova Scotia.

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The importance of e-commerce: what you need to know

Thursday, December 13, 2018

We spotlight one of this year's featured resolutions: incorporating e-commerce into your business.

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Improved airports, improved exports: Cargo upgrades support seafood industry

Friday, November 23, 2018

The Halifax International Airport Authority (HIAA), operators of the Halifax Stanfield International Airport (HSIA), announce plans to invest and upgrade the airport’s cargo facility.

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WeChat 101: Talking to CCBC about China’s social media giant

Monday, November 19, 2018

If you’re serious about investing marketing resources in China and want a WeChat official page to promote your business, make sure you understand how it works as part of your total China market strategy.

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Trade Market Intelligence Special Report: China's Digital and Social Media Landscape

Monday, November 19, 2018

Did you know our Trade Market Intelligence team produces in-depth reports on industry trends, market analysis and more?

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The 7 Virtues: Branding a meaningful story

Monday, October 15, 2018

"These programs gave us the confidence to try new things."

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